Literature Evangelists
Upon receiving God’s call, Literature Evangelists (LEs) dedicate their lives to provide much needed services to communities. In harmony with Adventist principles of faith and practice, they communicate the eternal gospel that brings salvation. LEs provide these services by acquiring and selling literature officially produced by Adventist publishing houses.

Student Literature Evangelists dedicate a vacation period or a season of time to distribute and sell Adventist literature. The student program has a threefold focus. It is primarily intended to give young people missionary and spiritual experience. The program provides opportunity to raise funds for school tuition, and finally to develop their social and leadership…

Sharing Materials
Mission365 is an exciting General Conference initiative encouraging members all over the world to develop the habit of sharing the gospel through literature. All church members are encouraged to adopt this Total Member Involvement (TMI) initiative to daily giving away GLOW tracts and Missionary Books. Through prayer and sharing we aim to reach at least…